
New Tunes released and Bob Johnson film debut

All new tune promos available on www.funkdawgs.com player

jan-apr 2010 - New tunes recorded... Vals De Nuit and Mobe Dick Blues by K.Whitlock, Hide Out and Chewawa (feat. Matt Thorpe on 2nd guitar) by Bobby Brewer. Bob Johnson produced his first film documentary "The Unanswered Questions". Watch it at youtube.com

Updates on new tunes year 2009

Funkdawgs band released a couple of tunes by Bill Lawrence (Passing and Analogue), four tunes by Bobby Brewer (Get It Off!, Hiwind, Miltons Groove feat. french guitarist Yves Sordage, Pelicans March)... other tunes on the way...

Special Funkdawgs release SOULMATES

December 2008 - Funkdawgs and friends released a special tribute for Enita, passed away recently, to celebrate her amazing free spirit and her love for the band and all members of this incredible and unique musical and friendship project that is the FUNKDAWGS BAND. Guests on CD are legendary Paul Hoffert, Dicky Thompson, Howard Mayberry, Don McGinnis, Catherine Delgadillo, Kerry Lytle, Ben Christa, Bryan Bergstedt. The unofficial CD release is called SOULMATES and is to Enita dedicated...God bless your soul Enita...


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